Building Better Marriages, Beginning With Our Own

Beth and Karl Friedman
Getaway Communication Couple

Beth and Karl were married in 1995 and are the proud adoptive parents of their toddler son. They became involved in marriage enrichment in 1998 after moving to the Atlanta area. After attending two national ACME conferences,four Georgia state conferences and participating in a MEG for three years, Beth and Karl recently became a trained leader couple.

"We've had alot of struggles in our marriage with infertility, job losses and conflict," mentions Beth. "ACME really helped us make it through the tough times and just knowing that other couples go through the same struggles, gives us a sense of encouragement and support," concludes Karl. Karl is a sales and marketing executive for software firm. Beth is also in marketing, however, recently she left her firm to start her own business, The Friedman Marketing Group.

The Friedmans are ACME of Georgia's Communication Couple. ACME would like to thank them for the work they do in developing the Brochure and mass e-mailings for the Getaway, as well as producing THE LOVE LETTER, Georgia ACME's Quarterly Newsletter.

View the Summer 2006 Edition

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