Building Better Marriages, Beginning With Our Own

Roberta and Terry Heinlein
Couple Facilitators for "Listen to My Heart, Not Just My Words" and "Sharing the Gifts of Marriage."

Roberta and Terry were married on August 26, 1972 - while still attending the University of Georgia as Juniors. They were immediately introduced to Marriage Enrichment (non-ACME) via a doctorial student who used them and others living in Married Housing in a research study...of course, they were only 20 & newlyweds at the time, so what did they know!!? It was all good, right?

They began their involvement with ACME in 1989 and according to Terry, "It's all still good! but alot of that is attributed to our involvement with ACME."

Georgia ACME Board members since 1994 and also currently International ACME Board members, they enjoy serving in this capacity. They were ACME trained in 1994, served as Conference Coordinating Couple in 1995 and 2005, but their own acknowledged "claim to fame" was in providing Friday night Conference mixers for 11 years. This started back in 1993. They had been asked to do the mixer for that year (during the snow blizzard), and Roberta said, "Let's do something different - Let's do something that really allows for folks to meet each other - especially, those like me who are introverts."

This started a real challenge for them...both in coming up with different mixers each year, and with "having to work together." Roberta and Terry agree it has been actually very rewarding working together in brainstorming, planning and in delivering each mixer.

Roberta and Terry have facilitated 2 Mini-Retreats as well as led this same workshop "Listen to My Heart, Not Just My Words" for the Florida Conference held in September 2007.

In January 2006, Roberta and Terry were trained as a Marriage Mentor Couple and are certified as a Prepare/Enrich counselor.

They live in Marietta and have two married sons (and daughter-in-laws)...who they are excited to say have attended two or more of the Marriage Getaways.They are the proud grandparents of "Olivia." They also have one son, a freshman at Georgia Tech.

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