Building Better Marriages, Beginning With Our Own

WE WILL REMEMBER - Welcome to Marriage Enrichment - For Couples New to ACME

New to marriage enrichment? This workshop will explore ACME's keystone concepts of communication, conflict resolution, affirmation,and play. This session is an all-day workshop.

We highly recommend WE WILL REMEMBER for couples new to ACME and marriage enrichment. (for some of you, WE WILL REMEMBER is formerly known as a Mini-Retreat)

Please note: WE WILL REMEMBER will have a morning session (10-12noon) and
an afternoon session (4:30-6:30 PM).

You will not be choosing from the other workshops. However, you are going to have a very meaningful time!

If you are not sure whether to choose this INTRODUCTION, then by all means contact Amy and George Stewart, Coordinating Couple, at:

HOME: 770 668-9257
Email: Stewart's email

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